About Skyturk Medical

Skytürk Medical is a medical tourism agency based in Antalya-Turkey with a global presence in Germany, Austria & Switzerland.

Since 2018, Healthprime Travel & Skytürk Medical has been offering the services for people who want to have medical treatment or procedures abroad such as hair transplant, stomach reduction, cosmetic surgery, dentistry and cancer in Antalya with carefully selected and regularly evaluated contract surgeons in internationally accredited hospitals.

Skytürk Medical supports patients in organizing their medical stay - treatment and offers support, accommodation and transport options in German-speaking care. The motto ''Aesthetics and Health for Skin, Body & Soul'' forms the core of Skytürk Medical's growth.

In line with its motto and mission, Skytürk Medical is firmly committed to the promotion of health and well-being. Our goal is to help people lead healthy lives and reach their full potential.

To fulfill our mission, we work closely with patient satisfaction assessments of care and treatment, as well as organizations and other stakeholders. From family member to listening and evaluating feedback.

Skytürk Medical's personal achievements and milestones reflect the outcomes and success of care and recovery.

Skytürk Medical allows patients to combine medical treatment with a recovery period in an attractive travel destination.

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