Breast Reduction Türkiye

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25 amazing breast enlargement before &

Skyturk Medical is proud of its more than 10.000 Patients from all over the world who have attended in the last 10 years Skyturk Medical one breast reduction have undergone. As a pioneer of health tourism in Turkey, we introduce you to the excellent results of our patients.

Breast reduction, also known as breast reduction, is a surgical procedure that reduces the volume and weight of the breasts. The procedure is usually used on women who suffer from complaints such as back and neck pain, poor posture or skin irritation due to oversized breasts.


During surgery, the surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to reduce the size of the breasts and create harmonious proportions with the patient's body. In some cases, the position of the nipples can also be adjusted for an aesthetically pleasing result.

There may be some swelling, bruising and discomfort after surgery, but this should subside over time. It is important to follow the surgeon's postoperative instructions, including the use of special support bras and avoiding strenuous physical activity during the healing period.


A breast reduction can improve self-confidence and physical well-being by bringing the body into a harmonious shape while relieving the discomfort associated with oversized breasts.

Benefits of breast augmentation

    1. Relief from physical ailments: Women with oversized breasts can often suffer from back and neck pain, shoulder tension and poor posture. A breast reduction can reduce the weight and volume of the breasts, which can provide significant relief from these symptoms.

    2. Improve physical activity: women with large breasts may be limited in sports and physical activities due to discomfort and inconvenience. By reducing the breast size, they can move more freely and comfortably, thus enjoying their sports activities better.

    3. Improving Posture: Oversized breasts can lead to poor posture as they can affect upper body balance and alignment. A breast reduction can improve posture and improve spinal alignment.

    4. Increase in Confidence: Many women with oversized breasts feel self-conscious and uncomfortable with their physical appearance. A breast reduction allows them to achieve a more proportional breast shape that better fits their body and gives them increased confidence.

    5. Improving Aesthetic Appearance: A breast reduction can improve the appearance of the breasts by creating a more symmetrical and harmonious shape. This can help clothes fit better and produce an overall more aesthetically pleasing result.

Frequently asked Questions

A breast reduction, also known as a breast reduction, is a surgical procedure that reduces the volume and weight of the breasts. Excess breast tissue, fat and skin are removed to achieve a more proportional breast shape.

Women who suffer from ailments such as back and neck pain, shoulder tension, skin irritation or poor posture due to oversized breasts can be good candidates for breast reduction surgery. It is important that the breasts are fully grown and that the patient has realistic expectations.

In a breast reduction, incisions are made around the areola and down vertically and sometimes horizontally in the breast crease. Excess tissue, fat and skin are removed and the nipple can be repositioned. The incisions are then carefully sewn up.

Recovery time after breast reduction surgery varies from person to person, but usually patients are able to return to their normal activities after a few weeks. It is important to follow the surgeon's postoperative instructions, including using special support bras and avoiding heavy physical activity for a period of time.

Yes, there are scars after a breast reduction. The scars are usually around the areola, vertically down and possibly also horizontally in the breast crease. Scars usually fade over time and can often become less visible over time.

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