Dental crowns Türkiye

Turkey's Best Health Tourism Agency

25 Amazing Dental Crowns Before &

Skyturk Medical is proud of its more than 10.000 Patients from all over the world who have attended in the last 10 years Skyturk Medical one dental crowns have undergone. As a pioneer of health tourism in Turkey, we introduce you to the excellent results of our patients.

Dental crowns are dental restorations that cover damaged, broken, or decayed areas of teeth, restoring the appearance and function of teeth. Dental crowns can be made from a variety of materials and are used to correct the shape, size, and color of teeth. In addition, they can also be used to strengthen weakened teeth after root canal treatment.

The advantages of dental crowns:

Tooth protection: Dental crowns protect teeth from tooth decay or breakage, thereby prolonging the life of the teeth.

Aesthetic corrections: Discolored, decayed or deformed teeth can regain a natural and aesthetic appearance with dental crowns.

Restoring Functionality: Dental crowns help teeth return to proper bite and chewing functions.

Restoring Tooth Structure: Dental crowns help strengthen and repair weakened or damaged teeth.

Long-Term Solution: With proper care and regular dental check-ups, dental crowns can last a long time and offer patients a long-term solution.

Dental crowns are made by dentists individually for the tooth structure and the needs of the patient. Your dentist will help you choose the appropriate material and plan a suitable dental crown for your teeth to achieve the best results.

Advantages of dental crowns :

  1. Dental protection: Dental crowns protect damaged, decayed or broken teeth by covering them. This extends the life of the teeth and allows them to last longer.

  2. Aesthetic corrections: Dental crowns can aesthetically correct discolored, deformed or decayed teeth and give them a more natural appearance. They can be designed to match the natural tooth color.

  3. Restoring Function: Dental crowns help restore proper biting and chewing function to teeth. This allows eating and speaking to be more effective.

  4. Restoring tooth structure: Dental crowns strengthen and repair weakened or damaged teeth. This makes the teeth more resistant and can be used longer.

  5. Long Term Solution: With regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene, dental crowns can last a long time and offer patients a long-lasting solution.

  6. Alternative Treatment Method: Instead of tooth extraction, the use of dental crowns offers a more stable alternative treatment option that preserves the structural integrity of the teeth.

  7. Natural Appearance: Because dental crowns are custom-made for each patient's tooth structure, they offer a natural and aesthetic appearance. The shape and structure of the teeth can be corrected so that they closely match the natural teeth.

  8. Color Matching: Dental crowns can be used to match the tooth color to the desired shade. This allows the teeth to be made more aesthetically pleasing.

Frequently asked Questions

Dental crowns are dental restorations that cover damaged, broken, or decayed areas of teeth, restoring the appearance and function of teeth. They are used to correct the shape, size and color of teeth and to strengthen weakened teeth.


The lifespan of dental crowns varies depending on the material, care and individual lifestyle. However, they usually last for many years if they are properly cared for and the patient attends regular dental check-ups.


Placing a dental crown itself is usually not painful as the dentist uses a local anaesthetic. However, in the first few days after application, there may be slight sensitivity, but this usually disappears quickly.


The cost of a dental crown varies depending on the material, location and individual circumstances. It's best to consult your dentist for an accurate cost estimate for your specific situation.


The fitting of a dental crown usually requires two appointments. At the first appointment, the tooth is prepared and an impression is taken. The impression is then sent to a dental laboratory, where the tooth crown is custom-made. At the second appointment, the finished crown is permanently attached to the prepared tooth.


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