Facial Rejuvenation in Turkey

Turkey's Best Health Tourism Agency

25 Amazing Face Rejuvenation Before &

Skyturk Medical is proud of its more than 10.000 Patients from all over the world who have attended in the last 10 years Skyturk Medical one facial rejuvenation have undergone. As a pioneer of health tourism in Turkey, we introduce you to the excellent results of our patients.

Facial Rejuvenation: Procedures, Benefits and Results

Facial rejuvenation, also known as a facelift, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the signs of aging on the face and restoring a more youthful appearance. This surgery can improve different areas of the face such as cheeks, forehead, jawline and neck.

Facial rejuvenation procedures:

There are various facial rejuvenation techniques, but generally they involve the removal of excess skin and tightening of the underlying layers of tissue. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. The incisions are often placed at the hairline and behind the ears to largely hide scars.

Benefits of facial rejuvenation:

  1. Reducing Wrinkles and Sagging Skin: By removing excess skin and tightening layers of tissue, facial rejuvenation can reduce wrinkles and sagging skin.

2. Restoring a youthful appearance: Facial rejuvenation can help restore a youthful and refreshed appearance and boost self-confidence.

3. Long-Lasting Results: The results of facial rejuvenation tend to be long-lasting, and many patients can benefit from the improved effects for many years.

4. Improving facial contours: Facial rejuvenation can improve facial contours and give the face a defined and harmonious structure.

5. Natural Results: When performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, facial rejuvenation can give the results a very natural look without creating an "over-the-top" look.

After facial rejuvenation, recovery usually takes a few weeks. Swelling and bruising may occur for the first few days after the procedure, but this usually subsides over time. Your surgeon will provide you with specific aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth healing process.

Benefits of facial rejuvenation

  1. Reducing Wrinkles and Sagging Skin: Facial rejuvenation can reduce wrinkles and sagging skin by removing excess skin and tightening the underlying tissues.

  2. Regaining a youthful appearance: Facial rejuvenation can help regain a more youthful appearance and boost self-esteem.

  3. Long-Lasting Results: The results of facial rejuvenation tend to be long-lasting, and many patients can benefit from the improved effects for many years.

  4. Improving facial contours: Facial rejuvenation can improve facial contours and give the face a defined and harmonious structure.

  5. Natural Results: With a facial rejuvenation performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, the results often look very natural without creating an "over-the-top" look.

Frequently asked Questions

A facial rejuvenation is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the signs of aging on the face and restoring a more youthful appearance. Surgery can improve different areas of the face, such as cheeks, forehead, jaw line, and neck. Rejuvenation is usually achieved by removing excess skin and tightening the underlying layers of tissue. The operation is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the individual needs of the patient.


Suitable candidates for facial rejuvenation are usually people over the age of 40 whose face shows signs of wrinkles, sagging skin and sagging contours. It is important that the patient is in good general health and has realistic expectations of the results. A qualified plastic surgeon will perform a comprehensive pre-surgery evaluation to determine if the patient is a good candidate for rejuvenation.


There are various facial rejuvenation techniques including the traditional facelift, mini-lift and mid-face lift. The choice of technique depends on the individual needs of the patient and the facial areas to be treated. An experienced plastic surgeon will choose the appropriate technique for each patient to achieve the best results.


The duration of facial rejuvenation depends on the technique used and the extent of the surgery. The procedure usually takes about 2 to 5 hours. However, the exact duration is determined individually and may vary depending on the specific needs of the patient.


The healing process after facial rejuvenation usually takes a few weeks. Swelling and bruising may occur in the first few days after the procedure. However, most patients can resume normal activities after a few weeks. It is important to follow the surgeon's instructions for aftercare closely to ensure a smooth recovery.


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