Porcelain Veneers Türkiye

Turkey's Best Health Tourism Agency

25 Amazing Porcelain Veneers Before &

Skyturk Medical is proud of its more than 10.000 Patients from all over the world who have attended in the last 10 years Skyturk Medical one Porcelain veneers have undergone. As a pioneer of health tourism in Turkey, we introduce you to the excellent results of our patients.

Porcelain veneers are thin ceramic veneers used to improve dental aesthetics and correct the appearance of teeth. These veneers are bonded to the front of the front teeth and are designed to correct the color, shape and size of the teeth. Porcelain veneers are custom made to give a more natural look and to match the color of natural teeth. As a result, the aesthetic appearance of the teeth is significantly improved and a beautiful smile is achieved.

The advantages of porcelain veneers:

Aesthetic Corrections: Porcelain veneers correct discolored, decayed, stained or misshapen teeth and provide an aesthetic smile.

Natural Appearance: The porcelain material offers a surface that resembles the luster and reflection of natural teeth, contributing to a natural appearance.

Durability: Porcelain veneers offer a long-lasting solution as the material is strong and resistant to discoloration.

Minimal tooth grinding: Because they are minimally ground down on the front of the teeth, porcelain veneers cause less damage to the natural tooth structure.

Color and Shape Choices: Patients can choose the color and shape of the porcelain veneers to achieve the smile they want.

Porcelain veneers can last a long time with regular dental care and hygiene. A dentist will help extend the life of the veneers with regular checkups and appropriate care instructions.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers:

  1. Aesthetic corrections: Porcelain veneers correct discolored, decayed, stained or deformed teeth and enable an esthetic smile.

  2. Natural Appearance: The porcelain material offers a surface that resembles the luster and reflection of natural teeth, contributing to a natural appearance.

  3. Durability: Porcelain veneers offer a long-lasting solution as the material is strong and resistant to discoloration.

  4. Minimal tooth grinding: Because they are minimally ground down on the front of the teeth, porcelain veneers cause less damage to the natural tooth structure.

  5. Color and Shape Choices: Patients can choose the color and shape of the porcelain veneers to achieve the smile they want.

  6. Smile aesthetics: Porcelain veneers ensure a beautiful smile by correcting tooth defects.

  7. Fast application: Porcelain veneers can be applied faster than other aesthetic dental treatments.


Frequently asked Questions

Porcelain veneers are thin ceramic veneers used to improve dental aesthetics and correct the appearance of teeth. They are bonded to the front of the front teeth and are designed to correct the color, shape and size of the teeth.

The lifespan of porcelain veneers can vary, but typically they can last for many years if properly cared for and the patient attends regular dental check-ups.

Placing porcelain veneers themselves is usually not painful as the dentist uses local anesthesia. However, in the first few days after application, there may be slight sensitivity, which usually disappears quickly.

The cost of a porcelain veneer can vary depending on the material, location and individual circumstances. It's best to consult your dentist for an accurate cost estimate for your specific situation.

The application of a porcelain veneer usually requires two appointments. At the first appointment, the tooth is prepared and an impression is taken. The impression is then sent to a dental laboratory where the porcelain veneer is custom made. At the second appointment, the finished veneer is permanently attached to the prepared tooth.

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