Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey

Turkey's Best Health Tourism Agency

25 Amazing Gastric Sleeves Before &

Skyturk Medical is proud of its more than 10.000 Patients from all over the world who have attended in the last 10 years Skyturk Medical one gastric sleeve have undergone. As a pioneer of health tourism in Turkey, we introduce you to the excellent results of our patients.

Turkey is well known for its medical tourism, as well as the high demand for bariatric surgeries like that gastric sleeve surgery. Turkey offers qualified doctors and clinics high-quality medical services at often lower prices than in other countries and with minimal waiting times, which is why Turkey is a top address for medical tourism such as weight loss surgeries.

If you have a Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey considering, there are a few important points to keep in mind:

  1. Connect with qualified professionals and clinics: Research qualified doctors and clinics experienced in bariatric surgeries.
  2. Certifications and Accreditations: Make sure the clinic you choose has the necessary certifications and accreditations. This can ensure the quality of medical care and compliance with international standards.
  3. Testimonials and Recommendations: Read Gastric Sleeve Experiences of patients who already have one Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey have performed. Also, consider recommendations from trusted sources or people who have used medical tourism.
  4. Communication and Language: Ensure that the clinic and medical team have adequate communication in your preferred language to resolve any questions and concerns before and after the surgery.
  5. Travel Planning and Aftercare: Take care of travel planning, including visas, transportation and accommodation. Also, clarify aftercare- to ensure you receive appropriate medical attention when you travel back to your home country.

What is gastric sleeve surgery?

The so-called gastric sleeve surgery, is also known as stomach reduction or Bariatrische Chirurgie, a surgical procedure for weight reduction in people who are very overweight or obesity.

In the Gastric Sleeve Surgery wird der Magen dauerhaft verkleinert, indem 80% des Magenvolumens entfernt wird. Der verbleibende Teil des Magens wird zu einem schlauchförmigen Reservoir geformt, das etwa 15 bis 150 ml Flüssigkeit aufnehmen kann.Der Eingriff wird laparoskopisch durchgeführt, was bedeutet, dass kleine Einschnitte im Bauch vorgenommen werden, um einen laparoskopischen Instrumente einzuführen. Die Operation wird unter Vollnarkose durchgeführt.Der Hauptmechanismus der Schlauchmagenoperation besteht darin, dass der verkleinerte Magen die Menge an Nahrung, die aufgenommen werden kann, erheblich reduziert. Dies führt zu einem Gefühl der Sättigung nach dem Verzehr einer kleinen Menge an Nahrung.Zusätzlich zu der Einschränkung der Nahrungsmenge wird auch der Hormonhaushalt im Körper beeinflusst, was zu einem verringerten Hungergefühl führen wird.Die Magenverkleinerung wird  als Teil eines umfassenden Behandlungsansatzes für Menschen mit Adipositas eingesetzt. Man sollte jedoch beachten, dass diese Operation keine einfache Lösung für Gewichtsprobleme ist, sondern ein Werkzeug, um Menschen bei der Umstellung auf eine gesunde Ernährung und einen aktiven Lebensstil zu unterstützen.Vor der Entscheidung für eine Schlauchmagenoperation, freuen wir uns mit Patienten eine  umfassende Beratung durchzuführen durch ein multidisziplinäres Team  um das ihre individuelle Situation bewertet und feststellt, ob sie ein geeigneter Kandidat für den Eingriff sind.

What is the course of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey at Skytürk Medical?

The gastric sleeve surgery, also known as stomach reduction or Sleeve Gastrectomy, is a surgical procedure for weight loss.

In this article we have created important information about the course of the Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey  at Skytürk Medical and a general overview of the typical process in our clinic:

  1. Consultation and preparation for a Gastric Sleeve Surgery at Skytürk Medical: On the day of arrival at Skytürk Medical, it may vary depending on the flight time and your arrival. During the examinations in the hospital, our surgeon will review your medical history.
  2. Preliminary examinations: Various preliminary examinations are carried out before the operation. These investigations are;
  • blood test
  • ECG
  • X-ray of the lungs
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Gastroscopy (with twilight sleep)
  1. Preparation day: You will usually be admitted to the hospital the day before the operation. On this day you will make a number of preparations, such as fasting from midnight and preparing for surgery.


  1. Operation day: On the operation day, we will perform an abdominal ultrasound and a gastroscopy with twilight sleep. You will then be taken to the operating room, where you will be given general anesthesia. The surgeon then performs the procedure, removing much of the stomach and shaping the remaining portion into a tubular stomach.


  1. After the operation: After the gastric sleeve operation, you will be taken to the recovery room, where you will be monitored by the nurses and after half an hour you will be taken to the ward and given painkillers. In the first few days after the operation, you should only go through a liquid phase before gradually moving on to pureed foods and finally to solid foods.


  1. Hospitalization and follow-up: The length of your hospitalization depends on your individual recovery, but can usually be four to five days. During your stay, nurses will assist you with pain control, wound care, and nutrition. You will receive follow-up instructions, including diet and exercise recommendations.

The advantages of gastric sleeve surgery

Gastric Sleeve Benefits The main benefit of gastric sleeve surgery is that it results in significant weight loss.

The stomach is permanently reduced by the procedure, which leads to a reduction in food intake. By losing weight, patients can improve their health.

Improving Weight-Related Health Problems: Gastric sleeve surgery can help improve or even eliminate weight-related health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint pain and other conditions. Weight loss can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

Weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery can result in a significant improvement in quality of life where many of our patients often tell us of increased self esteem, increased mobility, improved physical fitness and general wellbeing.

What are the gastric sleeve disadvantages?

Gastric sleeve surgery offers many advantages, however, there are also potential disadvantages and risks that should be considered when deciding to undergo this procedure. Here are some of the possible ones Gastric Sleeve Disadvantages:


Postoperative Complications: As with any surgical procedure, complications can occur after gastric sleeve surgery. These include infection, bleeding, problems with wound healing. These complications may need further medical attention.


Food and Nutrient Deficiency: Because the stomach has been reduced to 80 %, food intake after gastric sleeve surgery is severely limited. This can lead to a restriction in nutrient intake, especially if patients are not careful about their diet or take nutritional supplements.

There is a risk of deficiencies, including vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


Long-term weight gain: Although gastric sleeve surgery can cause most patients to lose weight over the long term, there is still a chance of weight gain over time. At a Gastric sleeve after 2 years it can happen if the eating habits are not adjusted or the eating behavior changes, patients can gain weight again and thus expand the stomach.

What are the long-term consequences of the gastric sleeve?

The long-term consequences of gastric sleeve surgery can vary from person to person.

Here are some potential long-term effects associated with this surgery:


  1. weight gain:
  2. nutrient deficiency
  3. reflux disease (heartburn)
  4. Psychological Effects


It is important to note that the long-term consequences of gastric sleeve surgery are also highly dependent on an individual's adherence to lifestyle modification recommendations. Ongoing dietary adjustments, regular physical activity, adherence to medical care, and monitoring of nutrient levels are critical to minimizing potential long-term complications.


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